In this world 10% of the population amasses 90% of the wealth-- while the other 90% scrambles for the remaining sliver.
Nowhere is this more evident than in this contest. When we glance at the complete standings, we can readily see that positions 1-3,348 will not be around at the end "anywhere near the top"-- they have no clue whatsoever as to what they're doing. This is plainly evident because all of them are guilty of at least one of the following transgressions: incorrect bet amounts & bets on the wrong type of horses(odds)...even those not obviously guilty of either(those at exactly minus -$100) still committed another dangerous faux pas: passing a race containing multiple longshots-- this last is particularly negative not just because of the obvious danger of a longshot winning, but because there will come stretches of days at a time with nothing near longshot odds-- many races will go off with the biggest longshot @ 10/12-1(those are the races that MUST be passed, barring a sure lock-- esp. now that there's an actual cap on the number of races one may bet on...32... of 43)...when the opportunity arises it must be grasped for.
So right off the bat 2/3 of entrants 'at least' are automatic throwouts.
We'll be back later with the card's analysis. We haven't glanced at it yet, but it's one of our favorite, favorite types: 2yo racing.
Looks like we had our hopes up too much-- the race has a bunch of mules: perfect example of how far California racing, & particularly DelMar, has diminished.
Let's do the following:
#'s 1,6,7,10.... whichever one of them goes off 99+-1, bet to Show, 60-90 bet to Place. Less than that(50 or less), NO BET.... and NO WIN BET UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
The ONLY EXCEPTION to the latter is if-- due to scratches or whatever else, there is ONLY ONE LONGSHOT(25+-1) that doesn't reach 60+-1 AND all other contenders are offered BELOW 20-1: we will then bet it to WIN.
btw IFFFFFFFF more than one qualifies, we'll split hairs tomorrow...otherwise, the race may likely be a PASS.
10 min. to post... let's save our precious time-- and dollars.... nobody is going to drift up enough to qualify. PASSSSSSSSSSSS.... Hasta Mañana.
PS The one longshot we liked the most: #1(very undervalued though) bears two bad trips in a row. All our longshots were undervalued-- and the two longest shots in this field, at post time, were only 20-24 until 1 min. to post.
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