Thursday, August 21, 2008

Even More Olympic Wagering Opportunities Late Thursday & Early Friday Aug. 21-22

Okie, dokie. We have 5 events, thus we need 5 betting units...hook them each / all with your base of Soccer ARG-NIG Over 2½ +115 thusly:

Parlay 1 (2-teamer) 1½ Units: Water Polo Men-- USA over Serbia +248

Parlay 2 (3-teamer) 1½ Units: Volleyball Men-- USA over Russia +134 AND Water Polo Men-- HUN over MNE -163

Parlay 3 (3-teamer) 2 Units:  Beach Volleyball-- US pair over Brazil pair -223 AND Water Polo Men-- HUN over MNE -163


Now, for those of you not allowed to parlay these...or just wishing better payoffs by manually parlaying-- here's the order of the events(DOUBLE-CHECK TO ENSURE WE OR THE NBC WEBSITE HAVEN'T ERRED OR THE SCHEDULES GET ALTERED):

First: Beach Volleyball followed by Volleyball USA-Russia...might get shut out if attempting to hook sequentially

Second: both Water Polo matches-- they're back to back, but like above pair, would also be dicey to handle them individually

Third: Soccer

So, you could do the following:

Of your 5 betting units, bet:

A. 1-1/3 on Beach Volleyball

B. 1 on the regular Volleyball

After those events are in, add together your payoffs to the  unused 2-2/3 units.

Bet 31% of everything  on HUNGARY Water Polo and...
19% on USA Water Polo

After that, add your payoffs to the unused 50%, pull back your betting units + enough to guarantee a profit for the Olympics(this is the third session we bet together these Olympics-- you have profit from the first and loss from the second) and bet the remaining on the Soccer final.
If that math does not work out, then we'll assess our options before the Soccer match. We'll either bet extra on it and/or the riskier Over 3½ goals.


Those of you who like Round Robins can do this:

Toss out the Beach Volleyball, and with 3 Units do Two-Team Round Robins using the regular Volleyball & the two Water Polo Matches. Afterwards, if say only two out three won-- thus cashing once only-- add your payoff to a fourth unit and ride all that on the Soccer. But if you cash all three, then follow above parlay step that guarantees profit.



Now that the first two events have won, it's time to protect our parlays. This MUST be done, irregardless of how UNLIKELY an opposing side's chances, in order to GUARANTEE profit no matter who wins the latter events.

Let's bet TWO units on MNE +175 in the first Water Polo match.




Okie dokie, we're killing them today Hannibal Lecter style. BTW The way the manner in which the Hungary match transpired early made us very glad for having reverse-hedged it. Here are suggestions for your next wagers depending on which of the three methods you're using:


1. Original fixed parlays-- You're waiting on a possible payoff of almost 33½ units. Subtracting the original 5 + 2 used to reverse hedge leaves just under 26½ net that must be protected-- we'll post some ideas on that shortly.


2. Manual sequence-- You should now have just over 14-3/4 units - original 5 = 9-3/4 net. Seems skimpy in comparison to the other methods, no?  It always will "when zero games lose". In a similar manner, folks who bet those smaller parlays make a lot less than with one giant parlay instead--they would be sitting on payoff of over 192½ units. But it's just unrealistic to expect such a near-perfect total day's outcome.
You need to be content in the knowledge that you always had money in pocket to continue betting "even if both concurrent(or almost) games lost each of the two times".

A riskier alternative could've been to assume that at worst one game would fall but you would cash the other one-- thus risking the entire cash in hand each time. BUT.... you'd have to be prepared to come up with:

A. another 5 units as many as two additional times in worst case scenario.

B. 2-3 units in case of 1-1 result of first series... if only the -223 game won. BTW replacing those partial units would be mandatory in order to avoid having subsequent wins w/ lower bet amounts. Otherwise, the next series also ends up 1-1 and you may not even have a chance to break even in the end.

The safe way you bet just gave you many additional options re guaranteed profits. At the end of the very first series you stood with almost 9 total units. You could do many things then: like pulling back original 5 units + say 1 of guaranteed profit... then gone for the jugular with the remaining 3 units on the remaining 3 games... 'with their money only'.


3. Round Robins-- You should now be sitting with over 17½  units, over 12½ net. Now here we could've included the soccer as well in our original advice, but we didn't want to overcomplicate things. You did 3 two-teamers-- you could've added the soccer to each and wound up with 3 three-teamers.


We'll post some ideas later on how to get additional, almost guaranteed profit from the soccer final for those on steps 2 & 3. And for those on step 1 some ways to not only guarantee profit but maybe even collect on both sides-- both the main bet and the hedge.

Stay tuned.




Some ideas for those in steps 2 & 3:

A. Risk only a little / bank most of your profit while still taking a shot at another nice payoff:

MLB Baseball Milwaukee(vs Pit) -265 parlayed to MLB Baseball TB-Chi UNDER 9½ -110 Parlayed to Soccer Over 4½ +615 parlayed to Basketball Women USA -370 parlayed to Basketball USA Men - whatever

Each unit bet should pay over 26 units.

B. Safely win an adequate amount of money with a larger bet:

Soccer Over 2½ +115 parlayed to Basketball Women USA -370 parlayed to Basketball USA Men - whatever

Each unit bet should pay just over 3 units.


Now for those in step 1:

A little bit of a dilemma-- ideal would be a way to have a decent chance of middling the hedge. The problem is that we foresee a high-scoring game and/or one side dominating the other. If someone offered an Even Goal Amount Prop, it would suit us to a tee: covering 0-0, 1-1, 2-0(only leaving 1-0 exposed) & just under half the possible high goal outcomes.

So, let's try for two things--

1. try to make the hedging amount elsewhere(thus a free bet). So let's FIRST do a two-team parlay w/ 1/3 of your planned hedge bet tonight: MLB Baseball Milwaukee(vs Pit) -265 parlayed to MLB Baseball TB-Chi UNDER 9½ -110

2. at least a slim chance of middling AND collecting big payoff in the process-- in return for having to hedge out such a large portion of the expected profit. Now take your payoff, add it to the unused 2/3 and

Hook Soccer UNDER 3½ -327 to: Basketball Women USA -370 parlayed to Basketball USA Men - whatever

Example: say you wish to use, from your expected 26½ NET Unit Win, @10½ units to hedge, leaving a potential NET of 16 won at the least(assuming soccer game goes over).
Use 3½ on the Baseball Parlay, which should return just under 8-3/4 Units + unused 7 = just over 15-2/3 in hand.
These you can parlay thusly: Soccer UNDER 4½ -930 parlayed to Basketball Women USA -370 parlayed to Basketball USA Men - whatever...
The payoff should be @25 Units, which has a chance to w/ middle the other potential payoff 33½ Units.
Your total initial + first & second hedge investments will be 5 + 2 + 10½ = 17½ Units....subtract this from whatever you collect for your NET, which should be either of these 3 amounts:

A. ONLY main bet hits: 16 Units

B. ONLY hedge hits: 7-8 Units

C. MIDDLE: 41 Units

3. Now, what if the baseball parlay loses, you ask? Well, you had 7 unused units--
Parlay them either of these two ways:

A. Soccer UNDER 3½ -131 parlayed to Basketball Women USA -370 parlayed to Basketball USA Men - whatever... Payoff will be 17½ Units...Perfect Breakeven IF you DON"T middle main bet. Profit of 17½ if you do.

B. Soccer UNDER 2 +105 parlayed to Basketball Women USA -370 parlayed to Basketball USA Men - whatever... Payoff will be @20½ units, for a NET of 3. IFF you push first leg here, payoff is 10 units, for total loss of @7 Units(the original + first hedge amount).

However, keep in mind these results are after losing main bet, having had multiple opps to cash big... can't always expect to cash large in spite of a loss can you? Well, we would still have one last ace in the hole(assuming a disaster push in that last example: a baseball play(s) for that night, to bring us into the black anyway!).


What's that, Virginia? What if US women & men lose? Are you kidding me? So what if they do? They can only hurt us IF our main bet loses. Another way to look at it-- US odds are prohibitively low, so for the Hedge part, they allow us to collect fairly substantially over their odds by winning. If they lose, we were going to lose something effect getting a return from them much better than when betting them exclusively / singly.



Let's do 5 Units Halftime Nigeria ML +450 parlayed to Basketball Women USA -370



We'll find something to hook the last reverse to, after Basketball, to get into the black. Look for that in a new thread. As well we're planning to drop the bankroll on USA Women's Basketball final. Stay tuned.

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